100 billion Galaxies
100 billion Galaxies
Wherever we look in the sky, the universe is full of galaxies- huge star systems that are tied together by gravity. The first galaxies were born Less than one billion years after the birth of the universe in big bang.
Giant and dwarfs
There are at least 100 billion galaxies in the Universe. Some are enormous, containing hundreds of billions of stars. Others are much smaller, sometimes containing fewer than a million stars. There are many more small Galaxies than giant Galaxies, even though the the dwarf Galaxies tend to be swallowed by their neighbours over time.

We live in a galaxy about 100 billion stars called the Milky way.

We live in a galaxy about 100 billion stars called the Milky way.
Formation of Galaxies
A spiral galaxy in the Coma Berenices constellation, Messier 64, the famous " Black eye" galaxy or the "Sleeping Beauty galaxy", has a spectacular dark band
Have you ever wondered how these galaxies were formed?
What happens?
There are two main theories of how galaxies form. In one version, huge clouds of gas and dust collapse to form galaxies. In the other version, stars form into small groups and then merge to form larger groups, then galaxies, and finally clusters of Galaxies.
Many galaxies begin life as small spirals before becoming larger ellipticals, often as a result of a collision. This doesn't mean that the galaxies crash into each other- the gaps between the stars in galaxy are large enough for the galaxies to pass through each other. However it does changes the shape of the galaxy.
Around 28 million light years from Earth, in the constellation Virgo, lies a spiral galaxy with very bright nucleus. It has an unusually large central bulge, and is surrounded by a dark, inclined lane of dust as you can see in the picture above. Named for its hat-like appearance, as called the Sombrero Galaxy.
It is estimated that there are 100 billion stars in a single average galaxy and there are 100 billion Galaxies in the observable Universe as far as we know, there could be more. Now you think we live in a planet that is in the habitable zone of a star. And if there are 100 billion stars in a single galaxy then think how many planets can you find like earth that can support life on it.
There is a possibility, not possibility, definitely there are many planets like earth in our Milky way only. So think there are 100 billion Galaxies
How many living creatures can be found in numerous planets.
But the problem is we can't reach there. If we use all the power, money of the whole world to create a spaceship then also no doubt we can't even cross our own galaxy Milky way.
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