Our Milky way Galaxy
Our Milky way Galaxy There are hundreds of billions of Galaxies in which Milky way is one. The Milky way in stars and dust image and copyright by - Serge Brunier We live on a small planet that circles an insignificant star in a tiny part of huge, spiral star system- the Milky way galaxy. The Milky way was born more than 10 billion years ago, and is likely to exist for many more billions of years. The Milky way is a barred spiral galaxy which means it is shaped like a giant Catherine wheel, with curved arms trailing behind as it turns. The stars in our galaxy all move around the centre as the galaxy spins. Our Sun, which is about 28,000 light years from the centre, goes around the galaxy once every 220 million years. Stars near take less time to orbit than the sun. Here's the picture of our Milky way and our position in it. THE HEART OF MILKY WAY A look at the centre of our galaxy reveals hundreds of thousands of stars packed into a area of sky ...